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Our Clinical Grade Frequency Bio-analysis device uses cutting-edge technology to help you achieve optimal health and wellness. Whether you are struggling with chronic pain, fatigue, allergies, or any other health concerns, this device can help you identify and treat the root cause of your symptoms. 


The Nidana Method is a solution based initiative identifying the root cause of sub-optimal health conditions using the clinical grade bioresonance device the Nidana Optimizer to detect pathologies, microorganisms, emotions, heavy metals, and toxins. Based upon this information we educate clients how to optimize their health by supplementing oxygen and hydrogen at an intracellular level using a combination of frequency therapies, bowel management, diet and lifestyle changes, emotional release, and other helpful modalities.

Nidana is an ancient word which means: cause, occasion, and motivation.

We aim to symbiotically merge ancient knowledge with modern technology in order to accurately detect the root causes of sub-optimal health and apply the Nidana Method to reverse those unwanted conditions. What better occasion then NOW to begin empowering more people to heal themselves and take responsibility for their health. Providing insight and guidance to motivate one another to reach our goals to be healthy, happy, and free.


Proven and validated technology and protocols to reverse disease and optimize health!

Awareness is key! If we are experiencing sub-optimal health then understanding "why" is of the utmost importance. The Nidana Method was designed to detect the root cause of sub-optimal health and provide solutions to reverse these unwanted conditions. The Nidana Optimizer is a cornerstone to our approach. This technology is accurate, non-invasive, and painfree. 



Nidana Optimizer

State of the art 4D torsion scan technology capable of detecting and targeting parasites, microorganisms, pathologies, and root causes of dysfunction or disease. Accurate, non-invasive, and available for use by everyone. Perfect to start your own business, add to an existing practice, or for self care. We provide training and ongoing support.

The Nidana Optimizer is revolutionizing health.

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